Malta Development Blog

Our Favorite Strawberry Season Recipes

4/27/15 9:18 AM / by Malta Development Malta Development

Spring is the time of year for new flowers, garden parties, misty days, and of course everyone’s favorite berry: the strawberry.


Though these plump and juicy berries can be found in grocery stores year round, it would be hard to challenge that there’s something more satisfying than biting into a perfectly ripe strawberry.


Whether it’s a wholesome side of breakfast strawberries, a perfectly sweet strawberry garnish on a springtime salad, or a delectable strawberry shortcake to end a hearty meal, here are some of our favorite strawberry season recipes to carry you through this great time of year.


  1. Strawberry, Granola, and Greek Yogurt Parfaits


This is a great idea for those on the go. A few simple scoops of non-fat Greek yogurt, sliced strawberries, and a handful of granola come together to offer you a smooth, and healthy breakfast option. Here’s a recipe by Eating Well that you’re sure to love!


  1. Strawberry Basil Lemonade


Strawberry lemonade is an American classic, but adding a few sprigs of fresh basil to your pitcher might be just what it needs to boost itself to gourmet proportions. Check out this recipe from the Food Network to see how to do it right.


  1. Goat Cheese & Strawberry Salad


If you haven’t tried strawberries on a salad, you’re missing out! This recipe by Sweet Paul Magazine offers the perfect combination of tangy goat cheese, fresh spinach, balsamic vinaigrette, and sweet springtime strawberries-- not to mention, it’s the perfect excuse to live out these long sunlight days on the back porch.


  1. Strawberry, Spinach, & Feta Pizzas


Surprise everyone at the dinner table with this little-considered spin on the individual pizza! This is the perfect way to combine sweet with savory. We love this recipe by Elizabeth Stark over at


  1. The Perfect Strawberry Shortcake


What better way to finish this list than with a strawberry season classic: the strawberry shortcake. Strawberry shortcake has long been a favorite amongst desert-eaters, and everyone who has every tried it knows that there’s no comparison between an in-season and out-of-season strawberry shortcake. Here’s a recipe for strawberry shortcake that everyone should try this spring.



We hope you have fun trying out these recipes. Is there one recipe in particular that you really loved? Let us know with a comment below!



Image via AllOverAlbany


Topics: Recipes

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