A child's playroom is often one of the most disheveled parts of the home. The reality is that anyone can be a great organizer, even toddlers. The trick is to find effective ways to teach children good cleaning habits that can last a lifetime. Want to learn more? Here are a few tips to keep your child's playroom clean and organized.
From a Child's Point of View
When organizing a playroom, picture the layout from your child's point of view. A playroom should be conducive to fun and safety. For example, folding closet doors in the playroom have the potential to pinch your child's fingers. Want an easy fix? Remove the closet doors to eliminate the hazard while creating more open space. Now that you have this exposed storage area, bring down the clothing rod to your child's level and invest in child-size hangers. For toys, use floor-level open containers for easier access.
Make it Easy to Store
It's hard to get children to pick up after themselves, but not impossible. The key is making cleanup a breeze. For example, store their book collection upright in a plastic dishpan as a flip-file. Your child can quickly sift through the flip-file and return their chosen book to the front when done. It beats the alternative traditional bookcase with the potential to injure a rambunctious youth.
Learn more about creating an organized space.
Bottom-Up Organization
A playroom's organization should consider a child's short stature. And, since children are much smaller than adults, a playroom's layout should begin from the ground up. In this regard, keep your child's favorite toys toward the bottom of storage shelves and reserve the higher storage areas for lesser-used toys.
Label Everything
Using a computer printer or even a piece of paper and tape, label storage areas for your child. If possible, include pictures along with the label. Use large and bold type to make it easy for a child who's just learning how to read. You can even turn clean-up time into a game. "Match the Label" can be a fun way for your child to learn word association and build good cleaning habits.
Build a Routine
Make clean up time a regular event. For example, in the morning, be sure your child makes their bed and puts any dirty clothes in the laundry hamper. In the evening, before bed, get them in the habit of putting away all of their toys in the appropriate storage areas. Again, make a game out of it. Set an egg timer for five minutes to see how many toys they can pick up and put away before the time runs out.
Ultimately, you must cater the playroom's organization to your child's sensibilities. Consider their size, toy collection, and willingness to help out around the house. Most children would love to help out and receive praise in the process. Apply these tips for a better playroom cleaning experience for you and your child.