Malta Development Blog

Malta Development’s Builders Are Certified Green Professionals

5/13/14 5:00 AM / by Malta Development

Tom and Wayne Samascott completed the National Association of Home Builders’ Certified Green Professional (CGP) program in 2013. This rigorous curriculum of courses, tests, and verifications provides a solid background in green building methods.

“We pursued the Certified Green Professional designation in order to provide our customers with environmentally friendly homes that not only save them money on monthly utility bills but provide a healthier living environment for their families.” commented Wayne Samascott, Vice President of Malta Development.

Learn more about what makes a home environmentally friendly

Builders who become a CGP must have a minimum of two years experience in the building industry, be a member of NAHB, and complete the program Green Building for Building Professionals. The required courses include instruction in how to incorporate cost-efficient green building skills into established construction practices. Other topics addressed in the CGP program included advanced framing and flooring techniques to cut down on waste, zip wall systems, sustainable spray foam insulation, energy efficiency, and water efficiency.

Successful graduates of the program are versed in:

  • Integrated sound building principles with a “whole house” approach.
  • Addressing water and resource efficiency within and outside the home.
  • Utilizing green building techniques without driving up the cost of construction.
  • The marketing and sale of green homes.

Malta Development now includes green building features in all of their new homes: water efficient plumbing fixtures and irrigation systems, high efficiency furnaces, Wi-Fi enabled thermostats, Energy Star appliances, spray foam insulation, and efficient lighting systems are just some of the unique details you'll find.

The Certified Green Professional designation includes a requirement for continuing education to assure that CGPs stay on top of green building methods. Both Tom and Wayne look forward to continuing to learn about the latest green building techniques and incorporating them into their future developments.


Topics: Green Certified, Malta Development, sustainability, Uncategorized

Malta Development

Written by Malta Development

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