Malta Development Blog

Making Your Move a Snap

1/26/17 3:30 PM / by Malta Development Malta Development

OLDER-COUPLE.jpgSimply put, the move to your new home can be a snap with a bit of planning. Start by sitting down with everyone involved in the move and make a few basic choices, depending upon your budget. Will you hire a mover or try to do it yourself? Will you pack your belongings, or let the mover handle it? Will you handle the unpacking? What is your timeline? What do you want to move and what do you want to leave behind?


Clean House First. Moving to a new home is an excellent opportunity to pare down your “stuff.” The fewer items you move, the easier the move becomes. And, at the other end, you can enjoy the chance to buy some new furniture to match your new digs. Be sure to weigh the cost of moving that heavy ten-foot dresser with selling it (or donating it) and getting something new later. Many new homes come complete with built-ins that call for less furniture to maximize floor space. You may not need everything you own now.


Hire a Mover. Dealing with packing large, fragile and/or unusual items is a daunting task. Moving them safely requires special materials and know-how. You can avoid the angst by allowing your movers to handle these while you focus on the easier packing. Or, easiest of all, let the movers pack everything. They have insurance to cover unforeseen damage on the things that they pack, and they have the expertise to move almost anything. If you want to do the packing, do your homework and get advice on how best to approach the task.


Take Your Time. If you rush the process, you'll regret it. Give yourself enough time to get mover recommendations, read reviews, pare down your belongings, and prepare everyone involved for the move. If you think you'll have to put in 15-hour days for a month to get through the process, you'll just end up stressed. Take an extra two weeks to handle it all and you'll find everything will proceed more easily. It may even become fun.


Plan Out Your New Home. Enjoy thinking about your new home by planning ahead where you will put everything when the moving van arrives. By identifying each box with a room name, you'll make the process of unpacking much easier. Having the mover pile your belongings in the middle of the garage or living room means that you'll need to move it all twice. Your back and your nerves don't need the stress. With a clear blueprint for the movers to follow, everything can end up exactly where you want it, the first time.


Keep Track of your Valuables, Important Papers and Remote Controls. Don't send these things to your new home with the movers. The best place for your valuables (such as jewelry, coin collections, and most importantly your checkbook) is with you. Then there's no need to worry during the move. You may need to refer to important documents before everything gets unpacked. Finally, the number of remotes that need to be replaced after a move is probably staggering. Items like remotes can easily get lost among the packing material – save yourself some grief and take them with you.


Relax. Something is bound to go wrong. You know this. So include the possibility in your plans; then, when it happens, you'll be prepared with an alternate plan and the event won't seem so earth shattering.


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Malta Development

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