Malta Development Blog

Keeping it Green: Homes and the Environment

9/17/15 5:16 PM / by Malta Development Malta Development

When you’re in the market for a new home, you’re probably most concerned with the neighborhood, the amount of available space, or the amount of maintenance that you’re going to have to perform to make it comfortable. While all of these things are certainly important, more and more home buyers are starting to look at the impact of a home on the environment, too. A home’s structure and features can affect the environment, your utility bills, and maintenance bills.


The environmental impact of a home is something that has only recently become an issue for new homeowners. For years, no one was seriously concerned with the carbon footprint of their flooring, or how many chemicals were in their drywall. Today, however, educated homebuyers are much more aware of the effects that every aspect of a home will have on the world’s environment as well as their health. That’s why Malta Development works to ensure that the homes they build use materials that impact the environment as lightly as possible. Natural materials such as granite and wood are also free of chemicals and preservatives and provide a healthy living space. All of the homes built by Malta Development meet the National Green Building Standard.

Learn more about how you can reduce your impact on the environment. 

After your home is built, however, you need to be concerned with its ongoing impact on the environment. That’s why Malta Development’s new homes are Energy Star certified. This certification means that the home has been built with energy efficiency in mind. Appliances use as little electricity as possible; the home is constructed of certified green materials and is well insulated in order to prevent air leakage, lowering the amount of time the home’s heating and cooling system will run. Not only do these measures save energy and help to protect the environment, but they can also save you thousands of dollars over the life of your home.


Finally, purchasing a newly constructed home from Malta Development means that your maintenance costs will be lower than for other homes of similar size. New construction gives you virtually no maintenance worries for several years. That’s years without tearing out carpet, replacing insulation, or worrying about fixing the roof. While this can lower your upkeep expenses, it’s also good for the environment. Having a structure and the appliances inside it in peak operating condition is the best way to insure that energy and water are being used as efficiently as possible. Air leaks, broken fixtures, and materials that are wearing out can lead to high maintenance bills and wasted resources.


At Malta Development, our homes include many features that are designed to reduce both your impact on the environment and your utility and maintenance bills. Here at Malta Development, we know that you want to make an investment with enduring value and to buy a house you can be proud to call “your home.” We will help you plan your dream home, work creatively with you throughout the entire construction process, and help you to build a home that is kind to the environment.


Topics: environment, Malta, Malta Development, sustainability

Malta Development

Written by Malta Development

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