Are you in need of some fun Valentine’s spirit for your home?
Paper heart garland is the perfect way to make sure love is in the air.
You can even get the kids involved and make this a holiday craft night for the whole family!
1 pack cardstock or construction paper (should include red, purple, white, and pink)
Baker’s twine
Single hole punch
Black markers
1. Cut your hearts
Have the adult supervising the activity cut out about 16 paper hearts from the cardstock/construction paper. They should be in varying colors. 4 of each color should be enough.
2. Design your hearts
Divvy up the hearts between the children. Explain to them that they are to decorate their hearts however they want to. Some common designs are polka dots, stripes, checkers, little hearts, or even letters! The more variety, the better.
3. Add holes
Once the children have finished designing their hearts, ask them to bring their collection over one at a time to have them hole punched. Make two holes (one in each arc at the top of the heart) at even height in the heart. Do this for each paper heart until all have been punched.
4. String the hearts together
After you have punched your holes, begin weaving them onto a long string of baker’s twine. Have the kids help you in arranging them in varying colors and designs. Space them as close together or as far apart as you would like.
5. Hang your new garland!
Once the hearts are all on their string, the garland is ready to be hung. Pick a place with high visibility, such as the kitchen window or above the fireplace, for all to see.
Hope this helps in your Valentine’s Day preparations for the year. Let us know if you have any fun variations on this DIY that you tried. We’d love to hear all about them!