Malta Development Blog

9 Quick Packing Tips

8/8/16 9:30 AM / by Malta Development Malta Development


Packing for a big move can put anyone's organizational skills to the test.  To help out, we've compiled a list of quick packing tips that will help you to remain calm, collected, and organized throughout your moving process.  By using these tried and true techniques, you can turn a stressful move into a smooth, effortless transition.

1)  Gather moving supplies you'll need before you start, and overestimate. By purchasing plenty of supplies like boxes, packing material, and wrapping tape prior to beginning, you won't waste time taking multiple trips to home supply stores.  Purchasing a few extra boxes is more time and cost efficient than having to interrupt the packing process to make extra supply runs.

2)  Number each box and record its contents.  While most professional moving companies number each item with a pre-printed tag, they don't itemize contents.  As a result, when you reach your new home, you're faced with a mountain of boxes and no idea what's in them.  Instead, create a spreadsheet with the number of each box, the room it came from, and its contents. By keeping track of what you put in each box and maintaining your own numbering system, you'll know where everything is without having to guess.  You'll be able to unpack the most important items quickly and easily.

3)  Pack one room at a time. Focus on one room at a time and make sure that items from the same room are boxed together. Not only will unpacking be more organized as a result, but you'll experience a palpable sense of completion with each room you check off the list.

4)  Label boxes “load last/unload first.” When you first arrive at your new home, the last thing you'll want to do is hunt for essentials.  Labeling boxes containing important items like pillows, sheets, and towels with "load last/unload first" will  help to make the first night much easier.

5)  Limit each box to 40lbs!  Keep boxes to a manageable weight, or you might spend your first week at your new home laid up on the couch with a bad back!

6)  Pack boxes so they close properly. Professional moving companies are experts at stacking boxes, but only if the boxes are packed correctly.  Under-packed boxes run the risk of being crushed by heavier boxes that cause cardboard sidewalls to buckle.  Overpacked boxes make stacking boxes  impossible, and invite the risk of damage to their contents.  The perfectly packed box closes easily, yet does not allow the box leaves to drop below level upon closing.

7)  Consolidate your items into boxes of the same size.  Pack smaller, loose items in small boxes.  Then, place those boxes in larger, standard sized boxes that can be moved more than one at a time using a hand truck or dolly.  The fewer types of boxes you use, the more efficient your move will be.

8)  Don't transport liquids. If something has the potential to leak, it probably will.  However, if you must pack liquids, ensure they are sealed properly, and enclose them in sealable bags or containers.  Place the containers upright, and label the box, its contents, and which way is up.  Check with your moving company's policy regarding transporting liquids.

9)  Maximize space.  Stuff linens, pillows, and t-shirts into crevices of partially packed boxes. You'll save money by not using as many boxes, and time by not having to unpack more boxes than necessary.

With these tips, you'll be packing like a pro in no time.  Feel free to contact the pros at Malta Development for more moving advice, or add your favorite tip below in our comments section.  Happy packing!


Topics: quick, packing, tips, Uncategorized

Malta Development

Written by Malta Development

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